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EU raw materials strategy

MEPs call for sustainable and future-oriented raw materials strategy

The European Parliament industry committee today adopted a report on the EU's raw materials strategy with a big majority. After the vote, Green MEP and draftsperson/rapporteur Reinhard Bütikofer said:

"The EP industry committee today sent a clear signal on the direction of the EU's raw material strategy in adopting this report with such a large majority. The report calls for the EU to follow an ambitious innovation strategy focusing on resource efficiency and the reuse and recycling of raw materials to ensure that Europe's economy will be both competitive and sustainable in the future.

"An effective raw materials strategy implies coordinating the efforts of the EU and member states. With regard to raw material extraction within the EU, it is crucial to take account of differing land use interests, particularly the protection of natural habitats and biodiversity, as well as protecting social concerns.

"Guaranteeing access to raw materials through international markets must be an essential element of any strategy and the EU needs to develop a cooperation strategy with resource-rich countries to this end. Raw materials diplomacy must naturally respect development policy goals and concerns. The report also calls for the EU to push for the further development of international raw materials governance structures."


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Reinhard Bütikofer
Reinhard Bütikofer

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