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EU Parliament debates current situation


The European Parliament is holding a debate on the current situation in Turkey, with particular regard to the recent constitutional referendum. Commenting on the state of affairs, Greens/EFA co-president, Ska Keller, said:

“The EU now needs to send the clear message that it will not continue with business as usual at a time when Erdogan is turning his country into an autocracy. It is the EU’s responsibility to use the few tools it has to push for democracy and rule of law in Turkey. The enlargement of the customs union between the EU and Turkey, which is of key importance to President Erdogan, should only be put back on the table if we see substantial improvements to the human rights situation.

"Questioning the accession talks might be the easy answer at hand but it will have no positive effect on the situation in Turkey. Instead of closing the door for good, the talks should remain frozen until Turkey returns to democracy.

"Today is also a day to send a clear signal to the 49% of Turkish citizens that, despite all the threats and the climate of fear, voted against Erdogan’s authoritarian plans. The EU stands with you and will continue to support the struggle for democracy and human rights in Turkey.”


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Press release
Ilaria Salis
European Union
Hemicycle European Parliament Strasbourg

Responsible MEPs

Ska Keller
Ska Keller

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