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EU must lead the way in 2018


Yannick Jadot, head of the Greens/EFA delegation to COP23, comments on the outcome of the climate negotiation in Bonn:

“Despite the fact that 2017 looks set to be one of the hottest years on record, there was little sign of the much needed urgency during this year’s round of climate negotiations. The catastrophic climate events this year must be a wake-up call for all to make their plans and commitments compatible with the 1.5°C target the world agreed upon in Paris at COP21.

"One silver lining came in the Powering Past Coal Alliance, a group of countries committed to rapidly phasing out transitional coal power plants. The whole of the EU must get on board with this excellent initiative. It was also heartening to see the emergence of a coalition of US cities, states and businesses showing their commitment to the Paris Agreement. But with Washington now absent from the negotiation table, and the next COP due to be hosted by Poland, there has never been a more pressing need for Europe to step in and take the lead on climate."

Greens/EFA Environment and Public Health spokesperson Bas Eickhout adds:

"If the EU is to truly live up to its role as global climate leader, it must up its ambitions in 2018. The EU must arrive at COP24 in Katowice having gotten much closer to what is needed to implement the Paris Agreement. Countries like Sweden and the Netherlands are already pushing forward, but the entire EU needs to follow suit. It will also have to plug the gap in IPCC financing and the 2 billion shortfall in the Green Climate Fund.

"Most importantly, we must deliver when it comes to our own climate legislation. On energy efficiency, renewables, CO2 and cars, the EU has several huge opportunities this coming year. It must take them and deliver strong, credible legislation if it is to fill the gap that Trump has left open."



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Responsible MEPs

Bas Eickhout
Bas Eickhout
Yannick Jadot
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