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Press release |

EU Commissioner hearings

Jeleva wobbles on financial disclosure and humanitarian aid questions

Rumiana Jeleva, Bulgarian Commissioner-delegate for "international cooperation, humanitarian aid and crisis response" today faced probing questions regarding past and current declarations of her business interests and on her proposed future dossier in the European Parliament. Greens/EFA MEPs questioned Ms Jeleva on her undeclared ownership/ management role of Global Consult Ltd when she was an MEP in 2008-2009 and on details related to the reported subsequent sale and change of the company's name.

Dutch Green MEP Judith Sargentini commented:

"The integrity of Ms Jeleva's financial declarations as an MEP and Commissioner-delegate is fundamental to the European Parliament's judgement of her suitability for a role as Commissioner. It is right and proper to await final conclusions on the transparency and accuracy of her financial declarations. It is clear, however, that MEPs expect substantial answers regarding her business interests and her declarations of them."

German Green MEP Ska Keller added:

"After her hearing, Rumiana Jeleva's ability to do the job of humanitarian aid Commissioner remains as unclear as her business interests. Her many words revealed very little of real substance. We still have no idea what plans she has to move EU humanitarian aid policy forward.

When asked on improving the humanitarian situation in Gaza, the best she could say was that she plans to go there. This was typical of several weak, stock answers that did nothing to prove that she has what it takes to do this important job."

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