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EU budget 2011 negotiations

Intransigence of member states blocking agreement on EU budget

Negotiations between the European Parliament and Council on the EU's 2011 budget concluded with no agreement this evening, after a minority of member states blocked any compromise being reached. Green MEPs criticised the intransigence of these member states, pointing out that the European Parliament had been willing to agree to the reductions in the budget demanded by Council.

After the negotiations, Greens/EFA budgetary spokesperson Helga Trüpel said:

"Certain member states seem to want to have their cake and eat it. The EP had been and remains willing to agree to the reductions in the EU's 2011 budget demanded by Council, in exchange for guarantees on the role of the EP in future budgetary discussions. Unfortunately, the intransigence of a minority of member states, led by the UK, is blocking agreement.

"In return for agreeing to the budgetary reductions demanded by the Council, MEPs want to ensure a greater role for the European Parliament in future discussions on the budget, as set out in the Lisbon Treaty, notably with regard to the introduction of a system of own resources. This would end this cycle of annual budgetary squabbling and ultimately reduce costs for EU member states."


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