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EU budget

MEPs flag concerns with Commission code of conduct, Greens want reform

As part of the European Parliament budget committee vote on the EU budget for 2011, MEPs adopted an amendment calling for a review of the 'Commissioner's Code of Conduct' on 28 September. Green MEPs welcomed the move but called for proper reform of the Code of Conduct to address both conflicts of interests with subsequent appointments by Commissioners and the controversial aspects of the Commissioners' transition allowance. Commenting on the vote, German Green MEP Helga Trüpel said:

"There is an urgent need to review the 'Commissioners' Code of Conduct' and we welcome that MEPs have taken a first step towards addressing this today. In addition to the ongoing concerns about conflicts of interests with former Commissioners taking up lobbying positions, revelations about the Commissioners' transitional allowance show that there are serious problems with how the allowance has been devised. There is a clear need to reform the system by which former Commissioners can currently continue claiming part of their transitional allowance, in some cases up to 55%, even after they have taken up new paid employment.

"The Commission has committed to review the Code of Conduct by the end of this year and it is crucial that the European Parliament is involved in this review to ensure the transparency, credibility and effectiveness of the process. The parliament's role in the review will hopefully be confirmed by the framework agreement with Commission, due to be adopted on 19 October. The Greens are committed to ensuring this will result in a meaningful reform."


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