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Press release |

EU 2020 Strategy

Commission presents myopic attempt at 2020 vision

The Commission today published its Communication on the Europe 2020 Strategy. The Greens/EFA Group is meanwhile hosting a conference addressing the sustainability of this strategy in comparison to the "Green New Deal". Green MEPs Claude Turmes and Philippe Lamberts commented:

"The Barroso II Commission is serving up a Lisbon Strategy II. The Commission Communication represents more short-sighted obsession with growth and competitiveness, instead of 2020 vision for Europe's sustainable future and quality of life. The EU 2020 Strategy fails to provide the blueprint for a future based on an integrated, triple focus on economy, environment and social issues. Only a Green New Deal will deliver green jobs and sustainable solutions to the current crisis.

The Commission is repeating the mistakes of the Lisbon Strategy by presenting a programme without demanding obligations. We need binding targets for critical issues such as resource and energy efficiency, as well as for social objectives. The restated 20/20/20 (1) targets are inadequate to meet the challenge of climate change and they demonstrate a lack of ambition for Europe's future. Concrete targets must also be set for the preservation of biodiversity.

The Commission's rigid attachment to GDP growth as the driving target for economic development is a recipe for repeated failure. GDP growth does not automatically provide improved social equality, better environmental protection or a happier life for citizens. New indicators are needed. We particularly call for a target for better distribution of income in the Europe 2020 programme.

We regret that Barroso caved in to pressure from Member States and backtracked on the crucial question of conditionality for European funding. European funds must only be allocated where environmental and social conditions are fulfilled. The EU's structural funds are doing more to contribute to climate change than to fight it. This must change.

The weakness of the Commission's Communication on the EU 2020 Strategy is the logical conclusion of its lack of consultation with the European Parliament, social partners, civil society and regional and local actors. We must now unite forces to present a better vision for 2020."

Note to editors:

(1) The European Union adopted a unilateral 20% CO2 emissions reduction on, (30% if other industrialised countries make comparable efforts) a 20% share of renewable energy and a (non-binding) aim of 20% increase of energy efficiency by 2020.


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