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Press release |

EU 2020 Strategy

Parliament spurns opportunity to show vision on EU 2020

The EU Parliament today adopted a resolution on the EU 2020 Strategy, thanks to a majority built around Parliament's biggest groups (EPP, S&D, ALDE). The Greens/EFA Group voted against.

Belgian Green MEP Philippe Lamberts commented

"The Greens did not vote for the Barroso II Commission because of its lack of ambition. Now it is the turn of Parliament's largest political groups to disappoint by adopting a resolution that is pure posture – it does not contain a single economic, social or environmental proposal. I believe that Europeans expect more from this Parliament."

Luxembourg Green MEP Claude Turmes added:

"The EU Parliament was sidelined during the design of EU 2020 strategy. Now Parliament belatedly has a chance to react, its biggest political groups conspire to deliver an empty resolution. This is a missed opportunity to get the European Parliament into the heart of the debate on substance and on to the centre stage as an institution."


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