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Press release |

Equal rules for all are a route to energy security

Energy/Nord Stream 2

Today, the vast majority of Members of the European Parliament adopted an amendment to the EU Gas Directive that will apply to pipelines from third countries into the European Union, such as the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline project of the Russian company Gazprom. Since gas production and transmission cannot be under the control of one company, Gazprom will have to relinquish the ownership of the pipeline as it enters the EU territory, and open up the use of the pipelines to third parties. New pipelines may be subject to exemptions, but these must be approved by the European Commission and are subject to strict conditions.

Benedek Jávor MEP, Greens/EFA shadow rapporteur on the Gas Directive comments:

"Equal rules for all are the right approach for a European energy policy. Transparency and fair competition are standards of the European energy market which the gas giant Gazprom must also adhere to. The German government wanted to circumvent its European allies on energy policy by doing a deal with Russia.

"The European Commission should ensure that Nord Stream 2 cannot be used to undermine energy security in the European Union, as it's also a question of European security. The unbundling of production and operation will limit the power of gas monopolies. The European Union is taking an important step towards not letting Gazprom take control of Europe's energy supply, and towards a greater energy diversity."


European Union
Hemicycle European Parliament Strasbourg
Press release
Electricity Market Design

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Benedek Jávor
Benedek Jávor
Former Member

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