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Press release |

EP Turkey report

EU negotiation process can help strengthen democracy in Turkey

The European Parliament today adopted its annual report on Turkey's progress in the context of the EU accession process. Commenting after the vote, Green foreign policy spokesperson and Turkey expert Bodil Ceballos said:

"The EU Parliament has today sent a clear signal on the need for the EU to do much more to proactively promote democracy and human rights in Turkey, as well as supporting those in Turkish society who are pushing for democratic reform. Sunday's elections have hopefully set in motion a positive process of change for Turkey and the EU must do all that it can to support this.

"The EU accession process provides an important platform to this end and MEPs have today called for the EU to start negotiations on chapters 23 and 24, on justice and fundamental rights, which have direct relevance for these issues. This should be a top priority in the negotiation process and not be left on the back burner behind negotiations on the internal market. Importantly, a majority of MEPs has also endorsed the call for greater visa liberalisation, which would also be an important signal for citizens in Turkey."


European Union
Hemicycle European Parliament Strasbourg
Press release
European Union
Hemicycle European Parliament Strasbourg

Responsible MEPs

Bodil Valero
Bodil Valero

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