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Press release |

Energy security

Greens welcome EP vote to enhance security of gas supply in Europe

The EP Industry and Energy committee today voted on a report from Spanish MEP Vidal Quadras on a new regulation to enhance security of gas supply in the EU. This regulation comes as a response to the lack of coordination between EU Member States during the last Ukraine-Russia disputes on gas transits to the EU which affected EU citizens and businesses. Commenting on the vote, Claude Turmes, vice-president of the Greens/EFA in the EP and Green shadow rapporteur on the report, said:

"With its vote the EP sends a clear and positive message to EU citizens and businesses - the EP will fight for better coordination between Member States and EU gas companies in the event of a future gas crisis. If we are to achieve genuine solidarity in the event of gas supply crises then we have to overcome national and commercial selfishness as well as Gasprom blackmail strategies.

"As Greens we are particularly pleased that our proposal for all gas operators to invest without delay in reverse gas installations has won large support. In the last crisis, in spite of there being sufficient gas available in the EU, the absence of reverse gas flows prevented the shipping of gas to certain affected regions. Obligatory reverse flow will also ease the situation in Poland. Until now, Gasprom - owner of the Yamal pipeline, which crosses Poland on its way between Russia and Germany - refused gas reverse flows thus making it almost impossible for gas companies other than Gasprom to be active in the promising Polish gas market."


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