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Energy efficiency will keep bills down while protecting the climate

Energy Efficiency Directive

The European Parliament has today passed the revision of the Energy Efficiency Directive with a strong majority. It forms part of the European Commission’s clean energy package. Trilogues are expected to start in February.
Greens/EFA shadow rapporteur Benedek Jávor comments:
"When it comes to meeting the Paris climate agreement, energy efficiency is a crucial part of the puzzle. But it’s not just about keeping emissions down. It is also crucial to citizens’ health and to keeping energy bills down for citizens and businesses.
“We are pleased to have won an EU wide binding target for energy efficiency of at least 35% by 2030. We have worked hard to ensure that transport is included in this aim, a key sector for achieving a transition towards a low emissions economy. We also defeated efforts to include adjustment mechanisms that would have undermined both the targets and investor confidence.
"We want to make sure the benefits of increased energy efficiency are passed on to consumers. That's why Member States will be obliged to achieve yearly energy efficiency improvements of 1.5% for energy customers, helping to tackle the problem of energy poverty.
"We have achieved a strong position with a wide majority in the parliament which will put us in good standing for the upcoming trilogues. We need to deliver a strong energy efficiency directive without loopholes and exceptions."

David Weir
Press Officer
BXL: +32 22 84 16 69 / Mob: +32 489 609 318
Greens/EFA Group



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Electricity Market Design

Responsible MEPs

Benedek Jávor
Benedek Jávor
Former Member

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