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Press release |

Electric mobility

Parliament supports electric mobility as a comprehensive transport concept

With regards to the joint resolution of the European Parliament about electric vehicles, Michael Cramer, spokesman on transport for the Green group in the European Parliament, states:

"Today, the Greens/EFA together with all groups of the European Parliament finalised an answer to the Commission's communication regarding e-cars. In it, the Parliament speaks out in favour of an increased use of all clean and efficient electric vehicles as well as harmonised European and international standards. E-cars are not a synonym but only a part of all existing electric vehicles, which especially also include trains, trams, buses and bicycles.

A partial replacement of today's car fleet with electric cars will neither get rid of traffic jams nor protect the climate. Transport by car has five disadvantages: noise, pollution, the number of accidents, costs and the usage of space. Out of these, e-cars can only solve the problem of pollution!

  • Noise is mainly caused by tyres on road surfaces and the travelling speed of cars - the engine only plays a minor role
  • The engine mechanics have absolutely no impact on the number of accidents - more than 40,000 people are killed on EU roads every year
  • If one calculates the consequential costs (loss of working hours, invalidity, accidents), the German tax payer subsidises every car with €3,000 per year - without including the climate costs!
  • The usage of space is huge! Germany, for example, has committed itself to reduce the land consumption by concrete and asphalt to 30 hectares per day from 2020. By way of comparison: today it is still 117 hectares per day! The engine type also has no impact on this.
Transport in Europe is responsible for around 30% of the CO2-emissions. Road transport makes up the biggest part of this. Therefore, the task of the hour is to avoid, transfer and improve! It is necessary to find the most environmentally friendly engine type for vehicles. However, it is a prerequisite for electric vehicles that there will be no ´revival´ of the dangerous nuclear energy, which is why the production of renewable energy is a ´conditio sine qua non´. Additionally, the emission and energy results of the whole cycle - from the production and the usage to the recycling/waste of electric vehicles - have to be positive. Only then can we Greens support electric mobility." You can find the joint resolution here:



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