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Press release |

EFA statement on the Italian elections results

Italy has voted for its most far-right Government since World War II. 

Giorgia Meloni from Fratelli D'Italia, whose party seats in the ECR group, is set to become the next Italian Prime Minister. Although some vote counts are ongoing and confirmation is still pending, it is evident that Ms Meloni will become the next Italian PM. 

During the electoral campaign, Giorgia Meloni has made intolerant statements against migrants, minorities and proposals to change the current Italian electoral system. The election of Ms Meloni represents a threat to the rights of migrants, ethnic minorities, the LGTBIQ+ community and more.

From the EFA Parliamentary Group, we oppose those who attack Human rights and democracy, and we stand in solidarity with all those suffering the impact of the far-right. 


MEP Jordi Sole, President of EFA Parliament Group, said: 

"Pending final scrutiny, Meloni's victory is deeply troubling. The trivialisation of hate speech and the legitimisation of the xenophobic narrative, today translates into the victory of a party with neo-fascist roots."

"This is not an isolated phenomenon, but perfectly organised through an ultra-Catholic, reactionary and heavily financed international movement. VOX and Sweden Democrats are part of it." 

"The classical right-wing bears a great responsibility for its rise and normalisation, and the disunity among the forces of the left has also facilitated it. We all need to do some serious reflecting."

Piernicola Pedicini, EFA MEP said: 

"Now that the results of the Italian elections are official, we need to be aware of the consequences that an ultra-conservative approach can generate on the social conditions of millions of Italian citizens that are fighting through this unprecedented economic crisis."

"Giorgia Meloni, the soon to be Prime Minister, already stated that she will cancel all those emergency measures to support families and the population that contributed to the survival of hundreds of thousands of people hit by the COVID and the consequences of the energy crisis. I am worried about the social stability of Italy. Without support from the government, true poverty will increase and the social consequences can be disastrous; especially in the south of Italy, where unemployment in addition to an endemic scarcity of social support measures, can ignite protests."

"As representatives of EFA we need to closely watch the developments of Italy and support democracy and social and human rights."

Responsible MEPs

Piernicola Pedicini
Piernicola Pedicini
Jordi Solé
Jordi Solé

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