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EFA MEP to vote against 'trojan horse' trade agreement

Press release from Plaid MEP Jill Evans

Plaid MEP Jill Evans will vote against the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership or TTIP trade agreement in Strasbourg this week.

Jill Evans MEP is concerned that the agreement could open up Welsh public services like the NHS, fire services, education and others to competition from private US companies.

It could also mean watering down our hard fought for environmental and food quality standards and workers' rights.

TTIP is a bilateral free trade agreement currently being negotiated between the European Union and the United States. The twenty eight EU governments gave the European Commission the power to negotiate on their behalf.

This week in Strasbourg the European Parliament will be voting on its recommendations for the TTIP negotiations, a key step in the ongoing process, and an expression of people's democratic view. At the end of the process the parliament can vote to accept or reject the agreement, but not amend it.

One of the other concerns relates to ISDS or Investor State Dispute Settlement which could result in international corporations being able to sue democratically elected governments in secret courts of arbitration. But there are also fears that TTIP will mean deregulation that will undermine environmental standards and food safety across Europe.

Jill Evans is calling upon fellow MEPs to join her in saying 'no' to TTIP and 'no' to secret courts which would undermine our democracy.

But she is calling too for action by the Welsh Government to protect Wales's interests, which they have failed to do in this process to date.

Speaking ahead of Wednesday's crucial vote, Jill Evans said:

"TTIP is becoming known as the 'trojan horse' treaty because of its hidden dangers to our public services, food safety, the environment and our very democracy.

"With secret courts, deregulation and companies able to overturn democratic government decisions, TTIP as it stands would be bad news for Wales. That is a decision based on the partial knowledge we have. All the negotiations are behind closed doors.

"We want trading relationships with other countries which are partnerships of equals but which also improve, not lower standards.

"One of the EU's great benefits for Wales has been environmental and food safety regulation – but this could all be put at risk by TTIP.

"Once again we have this promise of jobs, but in fact studies show there could be job losses.

"I will vote against this bad deal for Wales. I believe the people of Wales should know what exactly is at stake and should have the opportunity to put their views forward."

Jill Evans also called upon the Welsh government to get involved in this crucial issue:

"I have repeatedly asked the Welsh government to assess the potential impact on Wales of this trade agreement. But on this as on so many other issues, they seem indifferent. When the stakes are so high for our public services, our environment and our very democracy, the people of Wales deserve action. Plaid Cymru is the only party showing leadership and defending Wales's interests."


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Jill Evans
Jill Evans

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