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EFA Conference: From Nations to Member States

A new architechture for Europe


A conference hosted by the European Free Alliance Group in the European Parliament heard that emerging nations like Catalonia, Flanders, Scotland and Wales represent an important next step in the constitutional development of the European Union.  

There is also an ever strengthening role for Europe's regions within the European Union, with constitutional regions across Europe gaining more and more powers and influence, at the expense of existing member states.  

Delegates heard from various keynote political and academic speakers.

Flemish nationalist leader Bart De Wever told the conference that Belgium was ultimately doomed as a state and would eventually evaporate over time.

His party he said believed in 'evolution not revolution' and was staunchly pro-European.  

Other keynote speakers were Rafael Larreina of Eusko Alkartasuna and Marta Rovira, Secretary General of Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya.

Academic contributions came from Prof. Lieven Tack of the College of Europe and Alfonso Gonzalez of the University of Tarragona.  

Academics pointed to the significantly enhanced role of Europe's regions, which now have substantial political and economic influence both locally and at European level.

This was another major factor in weakening the influence and relevance of some of Europe's larger current member states.  

The conference was introduced by European Parliament Vice President László Tökés, himself a former member of the EFA Group. Other speakers came from Wales, Corsica, Galicia, and beyond.


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