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Press release |

Eastern Europe and Russia

EU must support Eastern neighbours in face of Russian pressure

The European Parliament today adopted a resolution on the Eastern Partnership, and the pressure these countries are facing from Russia. After the vote, Greens/EFA foreign affairs spokesperson Werner Schulz commented:

"MEPs today sent a message of solidarity to the Eastern Partnership countries and called on the EU to do more to support its Eastern neighbours. Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia are under serious pressure from Russia not to conclude Association Agreements, including a free trade zone, with the EU. In the face of this, the EU must urgently show solidarity and political commitment to our Eastern neighbours by strengthening economic ties and relationships in the region.

"Russia is flexing its economic and military muscles with its bullyboy political tactics; whether by banning Moldavian wine, Ukrainian confectionaries or threatening Armenia's security. It is living in the past and ignoring the right of these independent states to choose their own economic and political affiliations. We need to open up the EU market for some Ukrainian products, unfreeze and broaden loans and extend financial assistance. However, we also need to communicate the benefits and advantages of the Association Agreements to the people in order to gain their support and counterbalance Russian propaganda."


Press release
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