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Press release |

Development policy

The European Parliament calls for greater policy coherence for development

Commenting on today's adoption of the report on "Policy Coherence for Development" by the plenary, Ska Keller, Green rapporteur and member of the development committee says:

"With the adoption of my report, the European Parliament has shown that it is serious about stopping policy measures that are harmful for developing countries. The parliament voted to include legally binding social and environmental standards in trade agreements, for an immediate cessation of the export subsidies for dairy products and an integration of systematic climate change risk assessments in all development strategies and programmes.

In order to ensure coherence within the European Parliament, the plenary decided to appoint a standing rapporteur and to draft a biannual report that will deal with the contradictions in EU policy making."

Press notice:

Green MEPs Ska Keller and Judith Sargentini will hold a press conference on the report on "Policy Coherence for Development" tomorrow,

Wednesday, 19. May from 14.00-14.30

in the press briefing room LOW -1 N 201, European Parliament, Strasbourg.


Press release
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