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Press release |

Data privacy (PNR)

Hypocritical EP ignores rights concerns ignored by endorsing EU-Australia PNR deal

The European Parliament today voted to endorse a proposed EU-Australia agreement on the retention of passenger data (PNR). The Greens have condemned the deal for failing to address fundamental rights concerns repeatedly raised by the European Parliament, and voted against in today's vote. After the vote, Green home affairs spokesperson Jan Philipp Albrecht said:

"Voting to endorse this EU-Australia PNR deal is an act of hypocrisy by the European Parliament. This EU-Australia agreement includes provisions that are at total odds with fundamental rights guarantees in the EU, whether as regards the period for which data can be retained or safeguards against the use of passenger data for 'profiling'. The concerns, which were repeatedly raised by the European Parliament, have clearly not been addressed, yet MEPs have today voted to disregard these concerns, which they themselves, raised by endorsing this deal.

"Retaining passenger data for 5 ½ years, as provided for under this agreement, is totally disproportionate. On top of this, the definition of how the data can be used is unclear, which could lead to its use for the opprobrious practice of 'profiling', which is totally at odds with fundamental rights as guaranteed in the EU. These concerns have been underlined by various court rulings in EU member states, as well as the European Court of Human Rights. Instead of steamrolling this (and other) PNR agreement through, its conformity with the Charter of Fundamental Rights should be verified by the European judicial system. Unfortunately, a request to this end was also defeated today in the EP."


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Press release
Ilaria Salis
European Union
Hemicycle European Parliament Strasbourg

Responsible MEPs

Jan Philipp Albrecht
Jan Philipp Albrecht

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