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Press release |


MEPs send strong message on Turkish intervention

Commenting on a resolution on the situation in Cyprus, which was adopted by the European Parliament today, Greens/EFA co-president Rebecca Harms said:

"Turkey must fully respect the sovereignty of all EU member states, including the Republic of Cyprus. This implies immediately withdrawing its ships from the exclusive economic zone of Cyprus. Turkish action is in clear breach of international law. Ankara must stop any threats or acts of intimidation against the legitimate government of the island. We call on all parties to make efforts to de-escalate the situation in order to pave the way for the resumption of the negotiations led by the UN with a view to reaching a comprehensive and lasting settlement that puts an end to the long standing painful division of the island.

"While we welcome the clear reference to this in the resolution adopted by MEPs today, our group opposes plans to push ahead with offshore gas exploration and extraction, which would pose major environmental risks. Sustainable economic development and a strategy which focuses on protecting its natural and marine environments is clearly the best approach for Cyprus, all the more so given the importance of tourism to the economy. To this end, the Cypriot government should prioritise developing a safe, clean and sustainable energy policy, focusing on renewable energy and stepping up energy efficiency."       

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Responsible MEPs

Rebecca Harms
Rebecca Harms

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