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Press release |

Crisis of the Eurozone

The Eurogroup summit must give a political guarantee for the Euro?

Commenting on today's crisis summit of the Eurogroup and the ongoing turbulence in the financial markets, Sven Giegold, coordinator of Greens/EFA in the Economic and Monetary Affairs committee. said:?

”Heads of Eurozone states and governments must make a strong declaration guaranteeing the integrity of the Euro at their summit today. There must be no doubt that all available instruments should be used to guarantee the financing of member states of the Eurozone.

Only such a signal of European unity and determination will contain the absurd waves of speculation on financial markets.

Furthermore, work on European economic governance must be driven forward. Member States must stop resisting the European Parliament's proposals: strengthening of tax cooperation, anti-cyclical budgetary policy of Member States, measures to limit macro-economic imbalances in the Eurozone as well as the strengthening of the supervision and regulation of financial institutions.“


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