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Marrakech makes timid steps towards raising ambition

The COP22 in Marrakech will come to a close this evening. Commenting on the final agreement that is expected to be announced in the coming hours, Greens/EFA climate spokesperson Bas Eickhout said:

“The COP22 in Marrakech opened with the historic news of the Paris Agreement entering into force in record time after its adoption. I welcome the resolve of the global community to deliver an effective and unified response to climate change, despite the uncertainty created by the results of the US presidential elections. 

“The message from scientists and policy makers in Marrakech is clear: the momentum away from fossils to renewable energy is unstoppable and moving backwards would only damage the long-term prospects for the economy and for jobs. Countries have again recognised the urgency needed in raising ambitions to close the gap between current emission trajectories and the pathway needed to meet the temperature goals of the Paris Agreement.

“It is therefore critical that the European Union ramps up its own ambition, increasing the pace of energy savings and renewables penetration instead of slowing down in the forthcoming energy legislation. The laws for implementing the 2030 climate targets must also allow for the caps to be strengthened on the basis of the 2018 UN review of the adequacy of the collective action towards the Paris objectives.

“The European Union needs to step up its support for adaptation in vulnerable developing countries so as to honour the collective commitment for $100bn in international climate finance by 2020. With the US taking a back seat, determined leadership from the EU will be needed, but it will also be rewarded with deeper cooperation and greater influence on the global stage.”


© European Union 2017 - Source : EP
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Press release
European Union
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Bas Eickhout
Bas Eickhout

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