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Consumer rights

Stronger rights for consumers as EP approves new EU rules

New EU consumer rights rules were approved by the European Parliament today, following a legislative compromise with the European Council. Green MEPs welcomed the new legislation, which will strengthen consumer rights across the EU, notably extending protection for online shopping. Speaking after the vote, Green MEP and shadow draftsperson Emilie Turunen said:

"The new rules approved by the EP today will give a real boost to consumers' rights across Europe. Crucially, consumers will now have the right to withdraw from a purchase up to 14 days after.

"The new rules also give much greater protection for online shopping, with consumers covered by the same rules across Europe. This will give greater peace of mind to online shoppers.

"The Greens welcome the greater protection for consumers buying digital content. From now on, consumers will have to be properly informed when they purchase digital content online and will have a right of withdrawal under certain conditions. The new rules will also bring real improvements for passengers buying transport tickets online. It should end intransparent charging practices and ensure that companies can no longer surcharge consumers when using credit cards."


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