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Concrete action must be taken to prevent sexual harassment in EU

Comments from Terry Reintke

The European Parliament has today backed a joint resolution on combating sexual harassment and abuse in the EU. The text includes proposals designed to address the recent reports of sexual harassment in the European Parliament and other EU institutions.

Terry Reintke, who co-signed the resolution on behalf of the Greens/EFA Group, comments:

"The revelations of recent weeks show that sexual harassment in the work place has been tolerated for far too long. We in the European Parliament have a particular duty to respond to the reports of abuse of power in this and other EU institutions. That must mean concrete action to improve the mechanisms for reporting and preventing sexual harassment.

"It is heartening that we have secured cross-party support for the establishment of a task force of independent experts to examine sexual harassment and abuse in the Parliament and come up with the necessary changes. It is clear that members of staff have been failed and this has to stop. I urge President Tajani to take note of this call and take immediate action."


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