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Press release |

Commission need to ensure all children's rights to their parents

Rainbow Families

Tomorrow afternoon, Members of the European Parliament will debate the Legal protection for rainbow families exercising free movement, in particular the Baby Sara case. This debate is held ahead of the expected legislative initiative from the Commission to ensure that a parent in one EU country is a parent in all EU countries. This proposal is due on December 7th as part of the Equality Package.

Kim van Sparrentak, Greens/EFA MEP and Co-Chair of the European Parliament Intergroup on LGBTIQ rights, comments:

“Everyone should be able to move freely within the Union with their families. It is unacceptable that some European countries fail to give LGBTIQ+ families basic EU family rights. This puts children at risk. Imagine what it is like to cross a border and suddenly not be able to prove your child is yours. Or worse, being a child and suddenly having no legal parents. Despite some landmark judgements, we still do not have proper EU legislation to ensure administrative hurdles will not harm rainbow families.”

“The Greens/EFA Group has long called for the EU to ensure that all parents are recognised as such across the entire EU. The Commission needs to seize the opportunity to ensure the legislative initiative proposed on the 7th of December makes a difference for all LGBTIQ+  parents and children born to them. We call on the Commission to come up with a proposal that does not risk being stalled for years and years by the Council, but that will protect implementation of rights and freedoms of all EU citizens.”


Watch the debate here


Responsible MEPs

Kim Van Sparrentak
Kim Van Sparrentak

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