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Press release |

Closing the gap in consumer protection

Class action

The Greens/EFA group in the European Parliament has welcomed new proposals to give consumers the right to enter into class actions, a long-standing Greens/EFA demand. The European Commission presented the proposals today as part of their “New Deal” for consumers. The proposals would give consumer associations the ability to go to court when consumers’ rights have been violated, to place an injunction on continued infringement and to seek appropriate compensation.

The Greens/EFA group wants the scope to be broadened so that class action is not limited to the relationship between buyer and seller and is made possible in the event of damage to health/environment or violation of workers' rights.

Julia Reda, Greens/EFA consumer rights spokesperson, comments:

"We must close the gap in consumer protection. After Dieselgate and Facebook’s recent mishandling of personal data, there is an urgent need for consumers to be given the right to work together to take on malpractice and fraud. The European Commission is showing the way forward and the leaders of EU countries must now show the same commitment to protecting the rights of their citizens.

"Collective action should not be limited to consumer disputes. Where a business has caused harm to your health or environment, your rights are impacted, regardless of whether or not you bought anything from them. Citizens should have the right to seek damages for harm done to common goods or when their employment rights have been violated."


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