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Press release |

Climate emergency means EU must not fund new gas projects

Energy/PCI list

Today (Wedn 12 Feb.), the European Parliament will vote on an objection to the "PCI list" of energy infrastructure projects, eligible for EU funding, which will include gas and other fossil fuel projects. The Greens/EFA group oppose the funding of new fossil fuel projects. The proposed gas projects on the PCI list are not commensurate with future EU gas demand, not necessary from a security of supply perspective and using the gas brought to the EU via this infrastructure would further increase greenhouse gas emissions instead of reducing them. 


Ciarán Cuffe MEP, Greens/EFA Member of the Industry, Research and Energy Committee in the European Parliament, comments: 


"Given the severity of the climate emergency and the little time we have left to avert climate catastrophe, it is wrong to spend more public money on fossil fuel investments. We are past the time to channel public money into expensive and unnecessary fossil fuel projects when Europe should be investing in energy efficiency and renewables."


"We urgently need to rework the EU's rules for choosing energy infrastructure projects to make them fit for purpose so that they support green energy projects. The EU must press pause on any new projects until the rules have been rewritten to be in line with the global climate crisis."



The Union list of common interest (PCIs) is a selection of energy projects - such as electricity lines, LNG terminals or smart grid projects - eligible for EU funding and faster permitting procedures. 

The process for project selection, criteria and governance is enshrined in the underlying Trans European Energy Networks Regulation (TEN-E). Every two years a new priority list is published in form of a Delegated Act, whereby the European Parliament can only let the list pass or reject it in its entirety.


Press release
©Paul Schulze (CC BY 2.0)
Beech Forst in Brandenburg/Germany
Policy Paper
©Alex Urezkov
European Union
Hemicycle European Parliament Strasbourg
European Union
Hemicycle European Parliament Strasbourg

Responsible MEPs

Ciarán Cuffe
Ciarán Cuffe

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