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CIA renditions

European Parliament urges EU and Member States to continue the quest for truth and justice

One year after Hélène Flautre's report on European complicity in illegal rendition and secret detention of prisoners by the CIA after the events of September 11, 2001, the European Parliament has adopted a follow-up resolution.

Following the vote, Hélène Flautre, MEP of the Greens/EFA group in the European Parliament and rapporteur on this issue stated:

"The Greens welcome the adoption of the resolution following up on the recommendations adopted last year. The European Commission and the Council are hiding behind an alleged lack of legal competence and it is now clear that they have not done anything. The Member States' ostrich-like approach remains dominant.

But the case is not closed yet. A year ago the ECHR condemned Macedonia for violations of the European Convention on Human Rights in the extraordinary rendition of Khaled El -Masri and is about to decide on other cases involving Poland, Lithuania, Romania and Italy. New victims filed complaints in Lithuania and Poland, the Italian courts have convicted CIA agents and Italian secret service agents, an investigation was launched in Finland... These are all examples of the obligation of Member States and the Union to continue the quest for truth and justice.

With Lithuania being one of the countries most deeply involved, the Lithuanian Presidency should be a turning point for accountability, reparations to victims and the assignment of responsibilities. Lithuania cannot go through its presidency while continuing to ignore these issues. Bringing these issues out into the light would strengthen public confidence in the EU's democratic institutions.

Finally, the resolution calls on the next Parliament to fully continue this work, to be consistent and to prove that the EU can make a difference in protecting fundamental rights."


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