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Catalans' right to vote highlighted in Brussels

Press release from the EFA Group in the European Parliament

Catalonia's democratic right to decide on its own constitutional future was highlighted today at an event in the European Parliament in Brussels.

Politicians from across the political spectrum and representatives of Catalan civil society came together to press the case for Catalan self-determination with the EU institutions.

This follows the recent decision of Spain's constitutional court to suspend the referendum scheduled for 9 November.

Today's dramatic announcement from Catalan President Artur Mas that the consultation will go ahead though in a different form was broadcast live to the conference at the European Parliament.

Catalan MEP and President of the EFA Group in the European Parliament, Josep-Maria Terricabras said:

"Spain has tried to deny Catalans the democratic right to vote and determine their own constitutional future.

"We have tried desperately hard and by all means at our disposal to come to an agreement with Spain on our process for self-determination, but they have simply refused.

"The political and diplomatic pressure from the Spanish state has been strong and ruthless. But we will not yield and we insist on being able to exercise our democratic right."

Catalan MEP and EFA Group member, Ernest Maragall said:

"Catalonia is a very ancient European nation and the steps we are now taking will deepen our involvement in the European Union.

"We are building a wonderful structure, a country worthy of its name, yet Spain tries to tell us that we can't.

"We are a nation and a political society that's been around for a very long time, and we know where we want to go.

"What's happening in Catalonia is no threat to the EU. The real threat to Europe comes from the narrow nationalism of UKIP and the French National Front. What's happening in Catalonia is a great opportunity for Europe."

The conference was also addressed by Muriel Casals from the Omnium organisation in Catalonia, part of the large civil society movement that has organised peaceful demonstrations that have brought millions on to the streets to call for the right to decide.

Muriel Casals talked about the strong economic, social and emotional ties that exist between Catalonia and Spain, and would continue to exist after political separation. She said that Catalonia is a nation with the right to decide its own future.

Carme Forcadell of the Catalan National Assembly (ANC) which also played a major role in the demonstrations in Catalonia told the meeting:

"We want a State that defends our rights and interests, a State that defends democracy and the rule of law".


Press release
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Responsible MEPs

Ernest Maragall
Ernest Maragall
Josep Maria Terricabras
Josep Maria Terricabras
EFA President and first Vice President of the Greens/EFA Group

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