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Car industry 2020

Commission plan falls short of renewal strategy for Europe's car industry

The EU Commission today presented its CARS2020 action plan on the future of the European car industry to 2020 (1), setting out policy measures. Commenting in the communication, Greens/EFA vice-president and industrial policy spokesperson Reinhard Bütikofer said:

"The coming years will be defining for the long-term future of Europe's car industry. If it is to be a global leader, Europe's car industry needs a renewal strategy, which can place it at the forefront of moves towards more sustainable cars, as part of a greener transport system.

"EU policies can help stimulate and direct this shift for the car industry. To this end, the proposal to launch a consultation process for post-2020 CO2 emissions reduction rules is to be welcomed, as is the proposal to launch of an alternative fuel strategy.

"However, it is a major source of regret that the Commission has not used this opportunity to propose a CO2 labelling scheme for cars or to outline plans for EU rules to reduce CO2 emissions from trucks. In this regard, today's communication is behind the 2010 strategy for clean and energy efficient vehicles, which had foreseen legislation on CO2 emissions from trucks.

"An EU car action plan should not be a strategy for conservation regardless of the price. EU funds (like Horizon 2020 or the COSME programme for SMEs), public procurement and European Investment Bank credit schemes should not be used as subsidy machines for the European car industry."

(1) See the Commission press release: http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_IP-12-1187_en.htm


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