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Calls to investigate secret CIA prisons in Europe

Press release from Plaid MEP Jill Evans

Plaid MEP Jill Evans is backing calls to investigate whether secret prisons were set up in Europe under the CIA's extraordinary rendition programme, with the collusion of EU governments.  

The Plaid President joined other MEPs in backing a resolution demanding EU member states open independent investigations.  

Speaking after the vote in Strasbourg on Tuesday, Ms Evans said:  

"This will send a strong signal that calls for independent investigations into these secret prisons won't go away until the full truth comes to light.  

"We have seen research from various bodies including the UN and Council of Europe, as well investigative journalists and civil society pointing to the existence of secret prisons.  

"We know that extraordinary rendition took place. What we don't know for sure is the extent of EU member state governments' involvement in these awful human rights abuses.  

"As MEPs we are deeply concerned that European countries may have assisted in the extra-judicial detention and transportation of detainees. This is particularly worrying if it turns out to be the case that these people were transported on to third countries where they faced torture.  

"EU governments have obligations under international law, and EU law. There is a political, legal and also a moral responsibility to uncover the truth about any collusion in extraordinary rendition. We cannot expect the rest of the world to take us seriously on human rights unless we are willing to practice what we preach."  

Voting in Strasbourg, MEPs approved the resolution by a large majority.


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