string(2) "78"
Press release |

Brexit votes in Westminster

Quote from Philippe Lamberts

On the reports that Theresa May has announced that there could be three sequential votes on Brexit in the House of Commons on March 12th, 13th and 14th, on the Withdrawal Agreement, leaving the EU without a deal, and extending Article 50, Philippe Lamberts, President of the Greens/EFA group in the European Parliament and Member of the Brexit Steering Group comments:

"It's clear that the cards are up for Theresa May's Brexit strategy and she has to play her hand. The UK government can no longer continue to gamble with the futures of tens of millions of people for the sake of internal strife within the Tory party. A no-deal Brexit would be so damaging to people's jobs, lives and the economy on both sides of the Channel that it is utterly irresponsible to even consider it a possibility. If the Withdrawal Agreement fails to gain support in the House of Commons on March 12th, then the UK must ask for an extension to Article 50 with a credible plan for holding a People's Vote on the final deal that includes an option to remain."


Press release
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