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Press release |

Deal will put UK in a weaker position than as EU member


Today, the UK Cabinet has just agreed on the basis of the draft withdraw agreement of the UK from the EU. The deal will now need to be ratified by the UK parliament, the European Parliament and agreed on by the governments of the EU-27.

Philippe Lamberts, President of the Greens/EFA group in the European Parliament comments:

"Brexit has always been a lose-lose game for both the UK and the EU. Given the constraints of self-imposed Tory 'red lines' and the Good Friday Agreement, this text is the best the EU could offer without undermining its foundations. The adoption of this text could avoid the UK crashing out of the EU, which would be the worst form of Brexit. However, make no mistake: under this deal, the UK would be in a much weaker position to face the challenges of this century than it is now as an EU member. 

"The only way to take back control in this world is by working together: a truly Global Britain is one that takes it full place at the heart of the European Union.

"Now that we have the deal on the table, British citizens know what Brexit will really mean for them. That's why it would be fair to ask them whether Brexit is the future they want. If not, we would warmly welcome their continued EU membership."



European Parliament building Brussels © European Union 2019 - Source : EP
European Parliament building Brussels © European Union 2019 - Source : EP

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Philippe Lamberts
Philippe Lamberts

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