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Breakthrough for climate budget

EU budget 2020

The 2020 budget includes an additional half a billion investments for climate protection and an additional 78 million for combating youth unemployment and promoting the Erasmus exchange.
The European Parliament was unable to push through its cross-party call for a budget line on sea rescue. The initiative of the Greens/EFA Group failed, due to opposition from the EU Commission and Member States.

Rasmus Andresen, shadow rapporteur of the Greens/EFA Group for the EU budget 2020 and member of the European Parliament's negotiating team for the multi annual financial framework for the years 2021 to 2027, comments:

“The European Parliament achieved great progress. Climate protection and youth projects are a strong part of the EU 2020 budget. The European Parliament, with the Greens/EFA pushing, has been able to successfully establish future investments. The EU budget 2020 will be the greenest budget in the history of the European Union.

“The European Parliament is getting stronger and that is good for the people in the European Union, the climate and our democracy. 

“Unfortunately, it has not been possible to anchor a budget line for a European search and rescue programme in the EU budget. The sea rescue in the Mediterranean defends European values, the rejection of a single budget line is a slap in the face for the people who risk their lives."


Press release
© European Union 2020 - Source : EP
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© Alexander Briel
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