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Press release |


EP sends strong message ahead of key biodiversity summit in Nagoya

The European Parliament today adopted a resolution on the EU position ahead of this month's high-level UN summit on biodiversity in Nagoya. Green MEPs welcome the resolution, with French Green MEP Sandrine Bélier saying:

"The European Parliament has today sent a strong message on the need for a meaningful outcome at Nagoya and for the EU to play a lead role in ensuring the biodiversity summit is a success.The last ten years have been lost time for biodiversity protection, with the previous target of reducing the rate of biodiversity loss clearly being missed. There is an urgent need to act and the Nagoya summit must prioritise the need to halt biodiversity loss over the coming 10 years, by setting ambitious 2020 targets. With the welfare loss from biodiversity loss is currently around €50 billion per year (just under 1% of GDP) and set to rise to €14 trillion (or 7% of estimated GDP per year in 2050) and that the return on biodiversity conservation investment up to 100 times more, we simply cannot afford to fail."


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