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Anna Cavazzini elected new Chair of IMCO committee

Parliamentary committee on Internal Market and Consumer Protection

The Internal Market and Consumer Protection (IMCO) Committee has just voted Greens/EFA MEP Anna Cavazzini as the new Chair, succeeding Petra De Sutter, who moved to the new Belgian government as Deputy Prime Minister.
Anna Cavazzini MEP, comments on her election as IMCO President:

"I am very pleased and grateful for the confidence of my colleagues. The Corona crisis has shown that we cannot take the achievements of the Internal Market for granted. Closed borders and interrupted supply chains call into question the very essence of European integration.
"In the Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection we are filling the EU's Green Deal with life and our decisions are close to the everyday lives of citizens. High standards in the areas of social standards, environmental protection and consumer protection drive the implementation of the Green Deal forward and serve consumers, whether in terms of product safety or repairability and a more sustainable product policy in the circular economy. High standards must also guide us in the digital transformation with the Digital Services Act, which must benefit Europeans and companies alike.
"I will work to ensure that the Committee is a central place for political discourse on the challenges of the green and digital transformation and to seek an exchange of views with stakeholders and citizens and to strengthen confidence in the EU through a high level of consumer protection."



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