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Aiete conference, a road-map for peace in the Basque Country?

When: Thursday 29 March 2012, 09h00 to 11h00, followed by a press point at +/- 11h00
Where: Room ASP 1G3, European Parliament, Brussels
Who: Jonathan Powell, MEPs including François Alfonsi, Frieda Brepoels, and others, and representatives of Basque political parties.

The European Parliament's Basque Friendship Group, and the Greens/EFA group hosts a conference to discuss the outcomes of the Aiete conference, and the prospects for building a lasting peace in the Basque Country.

The international conference (Aiete), which took place at Donostia/San Sebastian in October 2011, was attended by international figures including Kofi Annan, Gro Harlem Bruntland, Bertie Ahern, Pierre Joxe, Gerry Adams and Jonathan Powell.

This Thursday's event will hear from Jonathan Powell, one of the endorsers of the Aiete declaration, and formerly the chief of staff to the UK Prime Minister, who played an important role in the peace process in Ireland.

The conference is likely to consider the role of the European Union and the European institutions including the European Parliament in supporting the ongoing peace process and resolution of Europe's last armed conflict.

The conference will be followed by a press point at 11am - please reply to confirm your participation.


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