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Agreement drives EU towards end of internal combustion engine

ENVI Council

Last night, EU environment and energy ministers cleared the way for the phase-out of the fossil internal combustion engine by 2035. The proposal is part of the Fit for 55 package and aims to reduce the EU's greenhouse gas emissions by 55% by 2030 and to make Europe the first climate-neutral continent. Negotiations on the package with the EU Parliament and the EU Commission will follow.

Bas Eickhout MEP, Greens/EFA Vice Chair of the Environment Committee, comments:

"The ministers' agreement puts the EU on the road to the end of the combustion engine. This will accelerate Europe towards emission-free and climate-neutral transport.

"The end of the combustion engine is coming. This is a gear shift for greater climate protection and puts us on the Paris climate target on the horizon. The agreement is a clear signal to the auto-industry to fully commit to electric vehicles."


In a recital to the agreement, the EU Commission is called upon to submit a proposal on how, after 2035, vehicles outside the fleet limits can still be registered that run exclusively on e-fuels, i.e. climate-neutral fuels.


European Parliament building in Strasbourg / © European Union 2019 / Architecture-Studio
European Parliament building in Strasbourg / © European Union 2019 / Architecture-Studio
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Bas Eickhout
Bas Eickhout

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