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Press release |


Decision to improve the transparency of ACTA negotiations a welcome development

Commenting on the final declaration of the latest negotiation round on ACTA (Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement) issued today in New Zealand, Christian Engström MEP (Swedish Pirate Party) said:

"The outcome of the latest round of ACTA negotiations will bring much-needed transparency to the process. We welcome the decision of the ACTA negotiators in Wellington to make the draft agreement public next week. This responds to the EU Parliament's repeated call for more transparency in these highly sensitive negotiations.

"It is clear that the scope of the agreement should remain confined to its original intentions, namely to regulate the fight against product piracy and counterfeiting. The EU Commission must ensure that unrelated issues remain excluded from the scope of any ACTA agreement, particularly proposals for internet regulation. The battle over ACTA is not over yet."

Read also Christian Engström's Blog.:



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