© Alexander Briel
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Position Paper |

Future of Europe

Greens/EFA Group position

Sixty years ago, European nations wounded by two world wars made the audacious gamble to move from confrontation to the rule of law starting with the Treaties of Rome. Without a united Europe, there will be no peace, prosperity and security in our globalised world. National democracies can hold elections, but lack the strength to enforce democratic decisions on multinational companies. Only the EU can become globally strong force for peace and human rights, protect citizens’ consumer rights, guarantee tax justice and call Google, Facebook, Bayer and Monsanto to order. Yet for Europe to deliver on its promises of democracy, prosperity and the rule of law, we need to restore EU citizens’ confidence in our European democracy. In the short term, we propose measures possible under the current EU Treaties. In the longer term, we propose a constitutional process to build an even more solid basis for European democracy. This set of 10 concrete proposals faull underthe AFCO area of competences andillustrate our common vision and narrative on the future of the EU.



Press release
European Union
Hemicycle European Parliament Strasbourg
Press release
© European Union 2024 - Source : EP
Conference of Presidents 20/11/24