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Greens/EFA priorities - plenary session 21-24 October 2019

Brexit deal

Vote Thursday (tbc)

The European Parliament is poised to vote on the latest Brexit Withdrawal Agreement on Thursday, if the deal passes the house of Commons this Saturday. It remains to be seen whether Boris Johnson will find a way to get a majority behind the deal. The deal should be put to the vote of the British people to have the final say.


EU budget 2020

Debate Tuesday, vote Wednesday

On Wednesday, Parliament will cast its vote on the budget for 2020. The proposed budget now includes serious commitments to tackling climate change, due to efforts of the Greens/EFA group. The European Parliament wants to turn the EU budget into the driving force behind climate protection and an extra EUR 2 billion has been secured for climate. Other positive aspects include an increase of EUR 500 million for youth initiatives, and new funds made available for sea rescue. MEPs from all political groups must now continue their support for this ambitious package in the plenary vote. 


Search and Rescue in the Mediterranean

Debate Wednesday afternoon, vote Thursday

At the request of the Greens/EFA group, an Oral Question by the LIBE committee on search and rescue in the Mediterranean, with resolution, will take place on Wednesday afternoon. The Greens/EFA group is calling on EU Member States to assume their responsibilities to prevent people dying in the Mediterranean. Europe has a humanitarian responsibility and a moral duty to rescue people in danger and needs to urgently equip itself with an EU Search and Rescue mission, ensuring that lives are no longer lost at sea. The criminalisation of NGOs saving lives must end.


Debate on situation in Northeast Syria

Wednesday morning

On Wednesday morning a debate with resolution will take place on the Turkish military operation in Northeast Syria and its consequences. The Greens/EFA group wants to see a firm response from the EU side, an EU arms embargo, and a call for the immediate withdrawal of Turkish troops. The EU has a strong responsibility towards Syrian refugees in Turkey.


Public country-by-country reporting

Debate Tuesday evening, vote Thursday

The Greens/EFA group in the European Parliament has pushed for a debate on the state of play of tax transparency for large multinationals (public country-by-country reporting). Tax transparency legislation is a key tool to oblige large companies to disclose where they book profits and pay taxes. The European Parliament has been  ready to negotiate this text since July 2017 but the Council, has been delaying the adoption of its position. A debate will take place on Tuesday evening with a resolution to call on Council to respect the principle of sincere cooperation, to be voted on Thursday.



  • Review of the Juncker Commission
  • Announcement of Sakharov Prize winner, 2019
  • The full agenda for the session can be found here


Presidential press briefing 10:30 Tuesday, in the Daphne Caruana Galizia room. 



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