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Speaking out against gender-based violence

The need for a European Strategy against gender-based violence was the focus of a conference organised at the European Parliament by EFA MEP Jordi Sebastià and others from the Greens/EFA group.

The event brought together policy makers, campaigners and politicians to exchange ideas on how best to tackle gender-based violence at European level.

The European Commission reports that one in five women in the EU has suffered physical violence, whilst one in ten has suffered sexual violence.

The EU Commission also estimates that half a million women and girls in the EU have suffered female genital mutilation.

There are already EU-wide laws in place to help women who are victims of violence.

This includes EU legislation on victims' rights and rules to tackle human trafficking. And thanks to EU rules, restraining and protection orders issued in one European member state are recognised across the bloc.

But in reality, gender-based violence continues to be widespread and the campaigners believe that an EU-wide strategy is needed to tackle violence against women.

MEP Jordi Sebastià with representatives of "Dones amb Compromís" and representatives of "Red Equo Mujeres"

Also participating in the conference with Jordi Sebastià were Zulema Altamirano from the European Institute for Gender Equality, Maria Rösslhumer from campaign group WAVE, Reis Gallego from the collective Dones amb Compromís and Carmen Martínez, a member of the Aragón Regional Parliament.


Picture of Budapest - Hungary © Jaap Hart
Picture of Budapest - Hungary
© Alexander Briel
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