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Out there

Celebrating diversity, fighting for equal rights & open societies

Pride is first and foremost political. It is not just about dressing up and bringing some more colour and glitter into the world. The Pride season is about equal rights for all. It is about the right to live the life you want to live, love the person you want to love and be the person you want to be. This is why the Pride season is a mirror for our society, showing us how open, how equal, how inclusive our societies are.

After the attacks in Orlando, it is more important than ever that we send a very strong signal condemning any form of hatred and violence against LGBTI persons. With this year’s Pride season, we want to send the clear message: love conquers hate. We stand up for all people attacked by homo- and transphobia. In times of a societal backlash, with right wing populists pushing debates back to the dark ages, we have to be out there, proudly showing that we embrace diversity. We support all LGBTI activists who have conquered the streets of Europe throughout the last month to celebrate diversity. We went to Warsaw and Paris. We supported activists in Istanbul and Kiev. We took over the streets in Vilnius and Vienna showing that another, more open and more equal Europe, is possible.


Together with the European Green Party, we organised a conference “European Queer GREENS – Out and Green” in Vilnius. Our MEPs, Ulrike Lunacek, co-president of the LGBTI intergroup and Terry Reintke, member of the LGBTI intergroup, co-hosted the conference, which gave the go-ahead for the creation of a European Queer GREEN network.  

The Baltic Pride took place for the third time this year. It was a big success that the authorities allowed the Pride to take place in the centre, giving it a prominent route though the city. More than 2,000 people were on the streets, sending a strong signal in favour or an open and equal society.


In many countries, Pride marches are still violently attacked or prevented from happening all together. Just last year in Kiev, we saw shocking pictures of brutal assaults, while the police were unorganised and reluctant to provide the necessary protection. This is why Rebecca Harms, our group’s Co-President, had already decided last year that she would participate in the 2016 Kiev Pride.

The march took place in the city centre. Not only did the approximately 1,500 participants exceed the number of participants from last year, but it also proceeded peacefully. Activists expressed relief and called the demonstration an important symbol for tolerance and against hate and exclusion. Young Ukrainians took a stand for equal rights, for freedom of assembly, and for pluralism, thereby repeating major demands of Euromaidan.


Throughout the last month, the current Polish government undertook numerous attacks against an open and equal society. This year’s Pride was therefore an important opportunity to demonstrate that many people in Poland are prepared to stand up against the old reactionaries.

There is a strong alliance of NGOs in Poland who are fighting against the societal backlash. Our MEPs, Ulrike Lunacek and Terry Reintke, went to Warsaw together, supporting local activists. We stand side by side with them and support their efforts.


The governor of Istanbul banned this year´s Istanbul Pride. For 12 years until 2014, the Istanbul Pride took place peacefully, colourfully, and celebrated diversity. Last year’s attack on the LGBTI activists and this year’s ban are a clear indicator of the lurch away from democratic norms in Turkey. Terry Reintke went to Istanbul to lend her support to local activists. Especially in times of repression, we need to be out in the streets showing that we will not shut up! We will continue to fight for equal rights for all.


Position Paper
Map of Europe / CC0 christian-lue
Map of Europe / CC0 christian-lue
Picture of Budapest - Hungary © Jaap Hart
Picture of Budapest - Hungary
© Alexander Briel
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Press release
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Responsible MEPs

Rebecca Harms
Rebecca Harms
Ulrike Lunacek
Ulrike Lunacek
EP Vice-President, Member
Terry Reintke
Terry Reintke

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