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Newly elected GREENS/EFA MEPS and Bureau

Outcome of the 2019 European elections


AT Austria     Monika Vana
    Sarah Wiener
 Die Grünen  GREENS
BE Belgium     Philippe Lamberts  (Co-President)
    Saskia Bricmont
        Petra De Sutter  Groen  GREENS
CZ Czech Republic     Marcel Kolaja
    Markéta Gregorová
    Mikuláš Peksa
 Česká pirátská strana  PIRATES
DE Germany     Ska Keller  (Co-President)
    Sven Giegold
    Terry Reintke  (Vice-President)
    Reinhard Bütikofer
    Hannah Neumann
    Martin Häusling
    Anna Cavazzini
    Erik Marquardt
    Katrin Langensiepen
    Romeo Franz
    Jutta Paulus
    Sergey Lagodinsky
    Henrike Hahn
    Michael Bloss
    Anna Deparnay-Grunenberg
    Rasmus Andresen
    Alexandra Geese
    Niklas Hendrik Nienass
    Viola von Cramon
    Daniel Freund
    Pierrette Herzberger-Fofana
 Bündnis 90/Die Grünen  GREENS
        Klaus Buchner  ÖDP  
        Patrick Breyer  Piratenpartei Deutschland  PIRATES
        Nico Semsrott  Die Partei  
        Damian Boeselager  Volt  
DK Denmark     Margrete Auken
    Kira Marie Peter Hansen
 Socialistisk Folkeparti  GREENS
ES Spain     Ernest Urtasun  (Vice-President)  Iniciativa per Catalunya Verds  GREENS
        Oriol Junqueras i Vies
    Diana Riba i Giner
 Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya  EFA
FI Finland     Heidi Hautala
    Ville Niinistö
 Vihreät - De Gröna  GREENS
FR France     Yannick Jadot
    Michèle Rivasi
    Damien Carême
    Marie Toussaint
    David Cormand
    Karima Delli
    Mounir Satouri
    Gwendoline Delbos Corfield  (Vice-President)
 Europe Ecologie - Les Verts  GREENS
        Caroline Roose - Perinetti 
    Salima Yenbou 
        François Alfonsi  RPS  EFA
        Benoit Biteau  Ouverture   
IE Ireland     Ciarán Cuffe
    Grace O’Sullivan
 Comhaontas Glas  GREENS
LT Lithuania     Bronis Rope
    Stasys Jakeliūnas
 Greens and Farmers union  
LU Luxembourg     Tilly Metz  Déi Gréng  GREENS
LV Latvia     Tatjana Ždanoka  Latvijas Krievu savienība   EFA
NL The Netherlands     Bas Eickhout  (Vice-President and Treasurer)
    Tineke Strik
    Kim Van Sparrentak
 GroenLinks  GREENS
PT Portugal     Francisco Guerreiro  Partido PAN  
SE Sweden     Alice Bah Kuhnke (Vice-President)
    Pär Holmgren
 Miljöpartiet de gröna  GREENS
UK United Kingdom     Catherine Rowett
    Scott Ainslie
    Gina Dowding
    Alexandra Phillips
    Molly Scott Cato (Vice-President)
    Magid Magid
    Ellie Chowns
 The Green Party of England and Wales  GREENS
        Alyn Smith (First Vice-President and EFA President)
    Christian Allard
    Aileen McLeod
 Scottish National Party  EFA
        Jill Evans  Plaid Cymru  EFA



EFA Group  - July 2024
European Parliament building in Strasbourg / © European Union 2019 / Architecture-Studio
European Parliament building in Strasbourg / © European Union 2019 / Architecture-Studio
European Union
Hemicycle European Parliament Strasbourg
© European Union 2017 - Source : EP
Picture of the European Parliament - Strasbourg

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