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Marzà makes an urgent call for housing reform in Europe.

EFA MEP Vicent Marzà, delivered a strong speech during the plenary debate about the urgent need for housing reform in Europe. 
The Valencian MEP highlighted the growing crisis faced by many individuals and families struggling to secure affordable housing, while simultaneously exposing the alarming number of vacant properties across the continent.
"Mr. President, while we sit here listening to housing representatives, more than 100, 200, 300 people are being evicted because they can’t afford their homes, even though they are workers, even though they work every day," Marzà stated. "They can’t make ends meet. They can’t afford their homes." He said. 
Marzà's comments underscored the harsh reality that many European citizens face today: despite being employed, numerous families are being forced out of their homes due to financial constraints. 
This situation is made all the more troubling by the fact that there are approximately millions of empty homes across Europe. "11 million empty homes," Marzà stressed, "and some insist on liberalising more land rather than renovating empty homes, stopping speculators, and dealing with the banks that are turning our lives into pure speculation instead of guaranteeing the right to housing."
Vicent Marzà MEP did not shy away from confronting the systemic issues that perpetuate this crisis. He challenged the notion that there is a lack of authority and competences to act on housing issues, declaring, "It’s not acceptable to say here that there are no powers, that we have no authority. How can we not have the authority to guarantee the right to housing, an essential right?" 
"If there are no homes, we all need to leave right now. If there are no rights to guarantee, if there is no authority, what are we even doing here?" He stressed.
The EFA MEP called for unity and collective action among European leaders to ensure that housing is accessible to all. "We must all work together to ensure that housing is truly guaranteed for everyone in Europe," he urged. To achieve this goal, Marzà outlined several critical steps, including the need to "mobilise investment and renovation plans." He stressed the importance of creating initiatives aimed at making housing affordable and publicly owned.
Vicent Marzà , EFA MEP concluded:
“We must all work together to ensure that housing is truly guaranteed for everyone in Europe.”


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Vicent Marzà
Vicent Marzà

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