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EFA MEPs call for people to be at the forefront of Europe.

EFA MEPS Call for people to be at the forefront of Europe. 
Tatjana Ždanoka and Piernicola Pedicini, raised in plenary their concerns regarding the European Semester for economic policy coordination and annual sustainable growth reports presented. 
The Annual Sustainable Growth Survey  outlines the economic and employment policy priorities for the EU for the coming 12 to 18 months. The document is structured around four dimensions: environmental sustainability, productivity, fairness, macroeconomic stability.
The Commission sets out general social and economic priorities for the EU and provides the member states with policy guidance for the following year
Tatjana Ždanoka, EFA MEP and shadow rapporteur of the  “European Semester for economic policy coordination: employment and social aspects in the annual sustainable growth strategy survey 2022” report, presented her concerns in the report. The proposal, according to Mrs Ždanoka, lacks direct support to the most vulnerable, social guarantees proposals. Tatjana believes fairness must be a priority with respect to other dimensions of the strategy, and that quicker solutions to the most vulnerable are urgently needed
MEP Ždanoka said: 
“In such a crisis situation people and only people can be at the forefront, as a saviour and engine of development”.
“Fairness - it is about people. Broader social guarantees, effective fight against poverty in general with a special focus on in-work poverty, direct support for the most vulnerable groups – that is a solution, which is needed now”. 
Regarding the “European Semester for economic policy coordination: annual sustainable growth survey 2022”, Piernicola Pedicini raised the lack of attention to investment in the South of Italy. Mr Pedicini mentioned in plenary the Italian government is focusing its investments and aids to the centre and North of the country, leaving the South of Italy to pay a higher price , Piernicola also called out the European Commission's need to intervene to avoid a broader crisis.  
MEP Pedicini said: 
“Unfortunately, we did not have time to come out of a crisis that we are already experiencing in another, the one created by the war”.
“Once again, the Italian government has done nothing to absorb the resources which affect the South Italy and promote the North, with all due respect to the fight against territorial inequalities. I think the European Commission should stop accepting changes in national plans if we do not want to widen the economic crisis further”.
Both reports will be voted today with final results expected on Thursday.


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Piernicola Pedicini
Piernicola Pedicini

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