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Education, Culture, Youth and Citizenship

Green MEP Helga Trupel gives our assessment of commissioner-designate Tibor Navracsics

What is your overall impression of how commissioner-designate Navracsics performed?

He is a very talkative and eloquent person, but absolutely not ready for any self criticism and not ready to admit his role in the introduction of the media freedom hobbling law in Hungary. He was not concrete on any point and misunderstood some questions.

Were there particular issues or answers that stood out – either in positive or negative sense?

He concentrated on Erasmus+ quoting it at all occasions as a sort of overall solution for all youth, language and economic questions and he had clearly prepared for each of the dossiers. But there was no readiness to recognise that he is responsible for actions against fundamental European values in Hungary. His language was also notable in its vagueness and populist tones.

Do you think he is suitable for the portfolio for which he has been appointed?


How would you grade his performance?

4 content; 5 as actor and skilled politician


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Picture of Budapest - Hungary
© Alexander Briel
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