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Brussels Agenda

Weekly preview of the Greens/EFA group - 15-19 Nov. 2010

EU priorities:
- EU budget 2011 negotiations (EU Parliament and Council, Mon.)
- European energy infrastructure(Commission, Weds.)
- Reforming the Common Agricultural Policy (Commission, Thurs.)

Greens/EFA events (selected):
*POSTPONED* Council president Van Rompuy meets Greens/EFA group *POSTPONED*
- Greening the Mediterranean Union (conference, Tues.)
- Developing countries and the low carbon economy (workshop, Tues.)
- 'Justice for Sergei' - human rights in Russia (film screening, Tues.)
- Green investments in Europe (conference, Weds.)
- The future of transport - reinventing the wheel or the policy (seminar, Thurs.)
- Can we afford the current model of medical innovation? (conference, Thurs.)


EU budget 2011 negotiations
Mon. 15 Nov. - negotiations between Parliament and Council

Negotiations on the EU's 2011 budget between the Parliament and Council broke down on Thursday evening despite the efforts of MEPs to agree a compromise. The Parliament, with the support of the Greens, is willing to accept the reductions in the proposed budget being insisted on by the Council in return for guarantees it will have a greater role in future budgetary negotiations, as set out in the Lisbon Treaty. (see latest press release)

European energy infrastructure
Weds. 17 Nov. - Commission proposal

The Commission will present a communication on energy infrastructure in the EU, looking at future European network requirements. Based on early drafts, the Greens are concerned that the Commission is more concerned with promoting outdated energy sources, regardless of the cost and consequences, and presenting unrealistic modelling assumptions to this end. The Commission seems intent on downplaying the future contribution of energy efficiency and renewables at the expense of dirty, polluting and more costly alternatives. (see blog)

Reforming the Common Agricultural Policy
Thurs. 18 Nov. - Commission proposal

The EU Commission will present its communication on the future of the common agricultural policy. The CAP, as it stands, continues to subsidise big agro-industry and unsustainable farming practises. The Greens believe the CAP needs a radical overhaul to promote sustainable farming and food systems, especially organic farming, as well as sustainable management of natural resources. It should help create decent employment in farming and support thriving rural economies.


Greening the Mediterranean Union
Tues. 16 Nov. - Greens/EFA conference, European Parliament, Room PHS 5B001

This conference will focus on the state of play with, and the current and future challenges of the Union for the Mediterranean. It will also look at two major socioeconomic aspects of the partnership: the implementation of a sustainable energy policy and a gender equal development for the Mediterranean. (click for more info)

Developing countries on their way to a low carbon economy - CDM and tech transfer
Tues. 16 Nov. - Greens/EFA conference, European Parliament, Room ASP 1G3

This workshop will look at the challenge facing developing countries, which are expected to 'leapfrog' into a low carbon economy. The workshop will address how to put this into practice; how much benefit the UN's clean development mechanism (CDM) really delivers; and the proposals for 'technology transfer' that are on the table and how difficulties can be overcome. (starts 9.30; info from franziska.keller@europarl.europa.eu)

Justice for Sergei
Tues. 16 Nov. - Film screening, European Parliament, PHS building Yehudi Munuhin Hall

"Justice for Sergei" is the unsettling account of the capture, torture and subsequent death in a notorious Russian prison of Sergei Magnitsky, a lawyer who tried to expose corruption in Russia. The screening starts at 13.00.

Getting the climate right for green investment in Europe
Weds. 17 Nov. - Greens/EFA conference, European Parliament, Room ASP 1G3

This conference will aim to assess how green investments are progressing on a global basis, as well as looking at the necessary policy framework in Europe to spur green investments. (click for more info)

The future of transport - reinventing the wheel or the policy?
Thurs. 18 Nov. - Greens/EFA seminar, European Parliament, Room ASP 1G3

With the debate on the upcoming white paper on the future of transport fast approaching, this seminar will aim to facilitate an exchange of ideas between operators, stakeholders, researchers, MEPs and representatives of the European Commission on approaches and solutions to some of the most pressing challenges facing transport today. How to design and promote a more sustainable mobility? (click for more info)

Can we afford the current model of medical innovation?
Thurs. 18 Nov. - Greens/EFA conference, European Parliament, Room JAN 6G2

This conference will bring together experts, NGO representatives, scientists and academics, with input from the pharmaceutical industry, European policymakers and country delegates to advance the implementation of EU policy and budget decisions that support new models of biomedical innovation. It will address the lack of public health-driven medical innovation and poor global access to essential medicines, and the growing cost of health care of which medicine prices are an important factor. (starts 9.00, info from marine@haieurope.org)


Danger pesticides sign in a field / Pgiam istock
Danger pesticides sign in a field / Pgiam istock
Press release
European Union
Hemicycle European Parliament Strasbourg

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