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Brussels Agenda

Greens/EFA events 12-16 April 2010

Greens/EFA events next week include:

Hearing - Green perspective on the European External Action Service
Wednesday, 14 April, 15.00-18.00
ASP 1G3, European Parliament, Brussels

> High-Representative Ashton's latest proposed structure for the EEAS was met with dismay by the Greens, for example with regard to the continued separation of the approach to civilian crisis management, conflict prevention and peace-building. Green MEPs Dany Cohn-Bendit, Franziska Brantner, Eva Joly and Heidi Hautala lead the debate on the EEAS' future structures, competences and financial instruments together with civil society figures and Commission representatives.


Hearing - Ending homelessness is possible!
Wednesday, 14 April, 15.00-18.00
JAN 4Q1, European Parliament, Brussels

> Green MEP Karima Delli and cross-party MEPs are joined by European social affairs Commissioner László Andor and civil society representatives to put the spotlight on ending homelessness, in the framework of the 2010 European Year against poverty and social exclusion. A handbook for policy makers will be launched, followed by a sculpture exhibition.

Conference - Authors' rights in digital worlds
Thursday, 15 April, 09.30-18.00
P7C050, European Parliament, Brussels

> Green MEP and 'Europeana' rapporteur Helga Trüpel hosts the fifth "European creators conference" examining the highly topical and controversial issue of authors' and artists' rights in the digital context.  


Public hearing - Towards a post-lignite era for Greece
Thursday, 15 April, 09.30-17.00
A1G3, European Parliament, Brussels

> Greek Green MEP Michalis Tremopoulos hosts this event to assess the environmental and social impacts of the extensive use of highly-polluting lignite in electricity generation in Greece - and to look towards a different future. Civil society experts are among the speakers.

Looking further ahead...

Conference - From Bonn to Cancun - EU climate policy and the international climate negotiations
Thursday, 29 April - Friday, 30 April
Beethovenhalle, Wachsbleiche 16 - Bonn, Germany
> This weekend, 9-11 April, sees the first UNFCCC meeting of 2010 in Bonn, Germany, with the fallout from Copenhagen still far from resolved. Later this month, the Greens/EFA Group also host a conference in Bonn, examining the EU's climate policy and the future of international climate negotiations.

Read the Stop Climate Change blog post on this weekend's UNFCCC meeting

Programme and registration for Greens/EFA 29-30 April conference


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Camilo Jimenez on Unsplash
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