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Ana miranda calls for more resources to fight the drought


Ana Miranda, EFA MEP, intervened today in the debate held in Strasburg to discuss the water scarcity and droughts just before the beginning of the summer season in Europe. She warned that the climate emergency is affecting the amount of rainfall in Galiza and causing a negative impact on the agriculture sector. Galiza, traditionally a humid region, doesn't have the infrastructure to fight the consequences of the drought.

“In Galiza, there is also a scarcity of water. The rainfall patterns are changing in the context of the climate crisis. The availability of water is affected since the water supply system is made for humid conditions. There is a lack of infrastructure of storage and irrigation systems design to save water.” She explained.

The EFA MEP also pointed out, how the water crisis hits harder the economy of the agriculture and farming sectors, while the Galician executive chooses to look the other way.

“The farmers need infrastructures of water intake that can guarantee production. In my country, the rural sector suffers. There are substantial financial losses due to the rise in the cost of production and agricultural inputs, and fruits. Meanwhile, the Galician government doesn’t do anything to support or compensate farmers for the consequences of the drought.” She said.

Finally, Ana Miranda called for a joint water management strategy to face an issue that, she explains, is a long-term priority for the member states of the Union.

“We need, Madam Commissioner, a water management strategy. We need public resources and infrastructure in Europe to fight against this prologue drought to that also affects humid countries like mine.” She concluded.



European Parliament Strasbourg
Policy Paper
©Alex Urezkov
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Ana Miranda
Ana Miranda

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